Sunday, November 18, 2018

Telling the Truth

Telling the truth is gut wrenching. Yesterday my oldest daughter asked me a simple "yes/no" question: "Are you ....?" and I answered her truthfully "yes", and now my stomach is churning while I wait for her to digest an answer she hates and was hoping would be different...

There are people I would not tell this truth to, but instead of lying, I hope I would simply say "I don't wish to talk about this" or "that's none of your business". It's strange that I need a strategy to not lie, but I do. Or maybe I don't. Maybe I just need the courage to tell the truth, the discernment to know who has the right to hear it, and determination to stop trying to manage other people's emotions and reactions by telling lies.

Integrity is established by telling the truth and keeping your promises. I've got a lot of work to do ...

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