Thursday, April 23, 2015

Beyond reach: Will I really inherit eternal life?

God promises us "an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay." (1p 1.4) Jesus said to "store up your treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy them" (mt 6).

Lord, I'm so grateful for this inheritance, BUT I'm afraid. I'm afraid that it is not only beyond the reach of change and decay, I'm afraid it is beyond my reach too. I stumble and fall, get back up again, then repeat... The treasure is there, the inheritance is there, BUT what about me? Will I be there?

"And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation" (1p1.5)

You have promised to protect me. Right now, at this very moment, you are PROTECTING me by your POWER. You have said you will continue to do so UNTIL I/We receive the SALVATION that will be revealed on the last day. Father, I'm holding you to your word. Keep on protecting me and make sure I receive the final salvation you have promised. I trust you. Help my faith to remain strong through the many trials I have now and that lay ahead. Help me to prepare my mind for action and to exercise self control (1p1.13) and to live a life of obedience. Keep the treasure for me and my brothers and sisters and KEEP US for the treasure. We can't do it without you. Amen

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